
Professor Jwo Pan is currently working in the areas of fracture and fatigue of engineering materials, cyclic plasticity theories, and joining technologies.

Click on an image to learn more about our research topics:

 Flow Drill Screw Joints
Flow Drill Screw Joints

 Compressive Behavior of Representative Volume Element Specimens of Lithium-Ion Battery Cells
Compressive Behavior of Representative Volume Element Specimens of Lithium-Ion Battery Cells

Aluminum and Copper

Fatigue Behavior of Dissimilar Laser Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens of Aluminum and Copper Sheets


Residual Stress Distributions in Crankshaft Sections under Fillet Rolling


Crack Tip Strain Distributions and Their Implications to Crack Growth Rate due to Stress Corrosion Cracking


Similar and Dissimilar Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens under Clamped Loading Conditions

Analysis of automobile bearings
Investigator: Jaewon Lee

Fillet rolling of crankshafts
Investigators: Kyoosil Choi, Md Yusuf Ali

Spot friction welds
Spot friction welding
Investigator: Van-Xuan Tran

Nb-clad stainless steel
Investigators: Kamran Asim, Jaewon Lee

laser welds
Fatigue of laser welds
Investigators: Kamran Asim, Jaewon Lee